FEBRUARY 2, 2006


7:00 P.M.  Called meeting to order.  Present:  Ellen Abelson, Richard Gorden and Mark



1.  The Board signed requests for special state authority under M.G.L. Chapter 58 Section

     8 to abate the outstanding taxes for four properties now owned by the Town of



2.  The Board read a proposed warrant article sponsored by the Council on Aging that

     would lower the interest rate on deferrals to 3% for fiscal year 2007


3.  The Board took the following actions on FY2006 abatement applications for the

     owners of the following properties:

            Parcel #081136000                  Denied

            Parcel #096005000                  Denied

            Parcel #086015000                  Denied

            Parcel #097002000                  Denied


7:30 P.M.  The Board went into Executive Session.


7:45 P.M.  The Board returned from their Executive Session.


4.  The Board discussed an error that was found on a fiscal year 2005 abatement and

     what to do about it.  The Board decided to re-issue an abatement certificate

     correcting the error.  The Board approved, as amended, a letter that will be sent

     with the corrected certificate.


8:00 P.M.  Adjourned